Barite for oil drilling gas, paints, rubber and plastics

Barite from CK-Mining,

Barite, also known as barium sulfate, is a mineral that is commonly used as a weighting agent in drilling fluids in the oil and gas industry. It is also used in medical imaging, as well as in the manufacture of paint and plastics. At CK-Mining, we operate in mines around the world, where we offer high-quality barite specimens of for industrial uses.


Barite is a dense mineral, with a specific gravity of around 4.5. It is also relatively soft, with a Mohs hardness of around 3-3.5. Barite is typically colorless or white, but can also be found in shades of yellow, brown, gray, or even blue. It has a glassy luster and is often transparent or translucent.

Barite is found in many locations around the world, with notable deposits in China, India, the United States, and Mexico. It is usually found in veins or beds, and can be mined using underground or open-pit mining methods. It can also be found in association with other minerals such as sulfides, carbonates, and fluorite.



Specification Table

Specification Value
Color Colorless, white, yellow, brown, gray
Specific Gravity 4.1-4.5
Mohs Hardness 3-3.5
Transparency Transparent, translucent
Luster Glassy
Association Sulfides, carbonates, fluorite